Psychic energy healings

A psychic-medium energy healer can be very beneficial to your Reiki and Intuitive Energy healings as it provides an additional level of insight to both the client and the healer. Two recent occasions where this was proven comes to mind.

The first was a remote healing on a young lady in her twenties. I am located in Victoria, Australia and she was located in Queensland. After I performed the usual areas of healing, I was guided to her mouth area, or more specifically, her back teeth. When I finished the healing, I gave this feedback to her and she confirmed that she had been experiencing some pain with wisdom teeth trying to come through.

For another client, I was psychically shown that her throat chakra was spinning really well. I asked her if she did work that involved a lot of talking. She confirmed that, yes, it was one area in her life that was going really well. I hadn’t met this client before that session and did not end up finding out what she did professionally (though I intuited some kind of teaching) and it validated the messages I was providing.

I often receive insights for those that are guided to see me for Reiki and Intuitive Healing treatments, whether it’s in-person or by distance. This can really help provide clarity around what is going on in their life or perhaps what areas might need attention.


The language of the Universe