How to listen to your gut feelings

Gut feelings can help get us out of trouble, get an initial sense of someone when first meeting them, and making decisions in our life based on what feels right or wrong for us.

Intuition is another word for gut feeling. I’ve found intuition extremely useful many, many times in my life - socially, personally and even in business. And when I don’t listen to it, boy can I regret it!

3 exercises to strengthen gut feelings:

  1. Start off small e.g. if you have a hunch to say something to someone, even if it feels a little ‘left field’, just say it (tactfully and kindly, of course) and see if it actually aligns with what the other person is thinking or feeling.

  2. Listen to your gut or intuition when making decisions. E.g. should I go in this direction, or move house, or take this class? You can test your first response by revisiting the question a little later on, or the next day, and see if you still feel that way.

  3. Practice mindfulness and being in the moment. Check in with how you are feeling at any given moment (not just what your head is telling you). Are you drawn to doing something in particular that day, or wearing a specific colour, or even drinking a certain herbal tea.

Pay attention to your gut feelings. They can be important and prove an incredibly useful tool in both life and work.

I’m curious to learn how your gut feelings have helped you out in the past. Or if you feel like your intuition is a little blocked, reach out and I’d be happy to see if I can help in any way. 💜


Bringing your spiritual self into the workplace


The language of the Universe